Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Do you get wrist pain from using a mouse? This solved it for me...

As a professional photographer, avid Youtuber, and author, I'm on the computer a LOT!  

A few years ago I started to get a lot of pain in my right wrist (I'm right handed) from using a mouse all the time.  Not using the computer wasn't an option, so I started looking around for a solution.

The first thing I tried was a trackball mouse like this one.

It helped for a while, but it wasn't too long before the wrist pain returned, so I looked into other possible solutions.  That's when I came across the Wacom Graphics Tablets, or Pen Tablets as they're commonly referred to.

Several of my photographer friends were using them, and not only were solving wrist pain problems, it turns out that once you get used to them (they do take a short period of time to adjust to as they're quite different than a mouse), pen tablets are MUCH better for tasking like photo editing, drawing, illustrating, and other detailed work such as photographers, artists, illustrators, and others do.

I started out with an earlier version of this one, the Wacom Intuos4 Small (about 4"x6").  It's a smaller pen tablet, but it worked great!  My wrist pain disappeared, and I was really impressed with how much better the pen tablet was for photo editing.

As is usually the case, it wasn't long before I was interested in an up-grade. :-)  Call it the pitfalls of being a gadget nerd. :-)

The next tablet I bought was an earlier version of this one, the Wacom Intous4 Medium Graphics Tablet (about 6x8).  I still have mine several years later, and it still works great!  Even better, I haven't had any wrist pain for years!!!

In fact, I love my pen tablet so much, I added another small one for my laptop about a year ago.  I bought the Wacom Bamboo Graphics Tablet to use on my laptop as it was small and portable, and VERY reasonably priced!  

As an added bonus, I find myself using my laptop more often now that I have a pen tablet for it too!  This allows me more portability and flexibility on where I do my work, which is why I originally bought the laptop.  

If you're having wrist pain from using a mouse, I wholeheartedly encourage you to try a pen tablet.  It solved my wrist pain problems, and I actually found I MUCH prefer a pen tablet to a mouse for sheer ease of use.

Pen Tablets are just TOO Cool!


  1. I had a MRI done at Syracuse Orthopedic Specialists and it revealed that I had Carpal Tunnel syndrome. When I asked what I could do differently at work to reduce the pain they suggested a mouse like the one you mentioned. However, I never heard of the pen tablet. It seems like it has done wonders for you and your friends and is a great investment. I think it's time for me to invest in one as well. Thanks for you're help!

  2. Hi there,

    I happened to stumble upon your youtube video when I was googling for ways to cure wrist pain. I've tried them all -or so I thought.

    I tried the whole line-up of Logitech & Kensington ball mouses. I've tried all the ergonomic Logitech mouses. I've tried the Evoluent sideways mouse. But the wrist pain always came back after pro-longed use.

    After watching your video, I went on kijiji, bought myself a used wacom splash, and I`ve been using it for about a week.

    My wrist pain is gone. I want to thank you for making the video, and changing my life. Pen tablets were something I just didn`t think of to try, and I probably would have kept searching and wasting money on the newest ergo mouse if I hadn`t come across your video!

  3. I find I get wrist pain a lot. From working a lot. My doctor recommended a product called blood flow stimulation wraps. It is a great product. I love it. It works extremely well.

    If anyone is at all interested look here for more legitement information.

